About Me

I Love to knit! I have been Knitting for about 8 years and I have really started to knit much more frequently in the last couple years. I used to only knit in the winter & now I want to knit year round and make more & more gifts. I find it very relaxing and a good outlet for stress. I am curently contimplaiting becoming a certified knitting teacher, which would give me the opportunity to teach knitting at a local craft store. I have to take two classes but I am really excited about the possiblities.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

12 Hats for Christmas

In my family we give presents to all the "kids", ages ranging from 6months (my baby) to 18 years old, presents. Well w/ maternity leave from June-Oct money was a little tighter than normal. So I decided to order allot of bulky yarn from www.joann.com & make all the kids hats & heck while I'm at it I'll make two extra for the family gift exchange.  This was a grand total of 12 hats & all this while I was also knitting my SIL purse, which she loved BTW. (see my previous blog "For the love of Felting" for pics)

So I ordered 8 skeins of Lion Brand Wool Ease Chunky yarn & started searching for Chunky hat patterns on ravelry.com.  I had to improvise on a few but here they are:

This pattern was called the "Man Hat" I made it for my 18 year old Male cousin. I also made a 2nd one for the Adult family gift exchange & my Dad ended up w/ it & I never thought my Dad would have wanted a hat from me. I've only ever seen him wear one when I was very young but he seemed very excited & please w/ it. My DH has also put in a request for this hat. It is such a great pattern & turns out thick & warm.

This next one was a little tricky. I found a slouchy hat pattern that was close to the hat from Hot Topic that my 14(I think) year old cousin.  The pattern had the same spacing between the ribbing but was for a slouchy hat not a Barret like the Hot Topic one. Well once it was knitted it wouldn't slouch AT ALL, EEEKKK!!!  I guess my chunky yarn was chunkier than the yarn they used. So I started to brain storm & decided to turn it into a Barret.  I put it around a plate & sprayed the top w/ water knowing my yarn was 20% wool that if I added some heat to this equation it should(hopefully) shrink the middle together enough that I could make this work.  & here is how it turned out.

This next was was a Barret patten I just made up as I went.  I used 3 sizes of knitting needles because when I started it I thought I had DPN's in a size I didn't have. So I CO(casted on) the stitches w/ size 9's  so it would be tighter around the head then switch to size 13's to make it bigger & looser w/o having to add stitches & then finding out when it came time to decrease no 13 DPN's I used size 11's LOL!

Here are the most perfect Snow Hat's!  I made them for a brother & sister who are 6 & 3. (again I am guessing at some of the ages)

Here are Father & Son hat I made for my BIL & my nephew only to figure out at the last minute my nephews hat was way to small, so sad.

I also braved a cable needle for this first time EVER!!! I have always been so afraid of them & now I am able to tell all you knitters out there to fear not it is super easy!  Wish I would have know that years ago.  This hat was for my 12 year old cousin & I made the same hat in red for the adult family gift exchange & my SIL (same one I gave the purse too) ended up w/ it & she is very happy w/ it!

In addition to these 10 hats I made one for my FIL that I forgot to take a pic of. And I made one for my other SIL & started one for my newest niece but didn't get my nieces done after I realized that my nephews was to small, from the father & son hat set. So they still need to get them from me.  I took the Dec 22nd -26th off from knitting. I have actually purchased some knitting gloves by Lion Brand that seem to help w/ the wrist & arm cramps allot!  Come the 27th I got the itch that only my knitting needles could scratch & I am just finishing up my DH fingerless gloves. Look for them in my next blog! :-)

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